Me, Myself, & My Muses

Thoughts, ideas, and curiosities of a Boston area creator of amusing and/or unusual objects.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, June 03, 2004

That's a Thinker

I just played this board game called "Cranium". The rules are a little convoluted at the start, but all and all I had a fun time. There are four decks of cards; each with its own type of question or challenge. There's a deck whick is similar to pictionary, but with a few twists. Some of the cards require you to mold a word, object, or action out of clay. Others propose you draw with your eyes closed.
There was one deck which became the dreaded one. This one was all about performing, often rather like charades, although sometimes you are allowed to speak. I ended up enjoying this deck though (when else would I get to pretend I'm Ronald Reagan?)
My one difficulty was trying to keep myself from playing with the clay. I used it to make a chubby brontosaurus with earmuffs and a scarf(who knows why that particular form came to me). Then the clay had to be used in the game, so I saved the head and gave the other team the bulk of the clay(poor chubby dino).
I have always loved board games & have played a good number of them in my day. This one is a good party game. It requires all sorts of different specialized skills from artistic prowess to spelling.


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