Me, Myself, & My Muses

Thoughts, ideas, and curiosities of a Boston area creator of amusing and/or unusual objects.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Feelin' Fine

Today has a great feeling about it. I'm energetic and ready to face the day's challenges. Last night I added some bits to the sixth piece for my show. All six pieces are essentially done, though I do tend to tinker a bit before I truly call something "finished". I put finished in quotes because I have a tendancy of taking older pieces apart and using them to make new pieces, so there's question as to if they are ever truly finished.
Okay, deep cleansing breath ;-)...time to go too work.

Monday, July 19, 2004

That "Can Do" Attitude

I decided not to go for the walk yet. Sometimes I just need to ride through the tough spots by working even though I'm frustrated. I'm done with five pieces, the sixth is in the process of being spray painted, and the seventh might acually merge with the fifth depending on how I'm feeling. Six is my goal and I'm glad to be almost there.

Can't Get Out of My Own Way

It's turned into one of those days when I just can't seem to get any work done. I think it's because I just want to be finished with this body of work. As much as I like building and being active creatively it still comes down to the deadline, which is death for my creative drive. But, enough complaining, I'm going to take a break and go for a long walk to clear my head. This usually helps a lot.