Me, Myself, & My Muses

Thoughts, ideas, and curiosities of a Boston area creator of amusing and/or unusual objects.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, July 01, 2004

An Unexpected Visit from the Ghost of Art Past

While in the midst of working with some dimensional fabric paint on graph paper, this idea from my past crept into my head and smiled at me. Very curious indeed! I made something my freshman year of college which relates to this concept, but I was never entirely happy with the piece; it seemed unfinished somehow.
My new take on this old idea has the added benefit of allowing me to sew wierd materials on my sewing machine (always a decided plus). I've come to the conclusion that as an artist, my main interest is with using material and especially finding ways to use nontraditional materials in ways that make the viewer ask me "what is that". When people are puzzled and intrigued by what I've made, I've done my job (and I'll be beaming from ear to ear).

The One Month Countdown Begins...

My show begins in exactly one month. In my current state of mind I'm feeling excited about it. I think the pieces that have been started are good building blocks and that the rest will come more easily. Sure there will be struggles along the way, but that's to be expected as part of the process.
Time to get to work.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Inching Along & Making Progress

I've spent some quality time the last few days actually getting work done. I'm sucessfully past the phase of self doubt. This can be quite the hurdle to leap over, especially if I haven't been consistently working for a while.
I like what I've come up with so far. As usual I have made assorted bits which I figure out what to do with as I go. I have a pretty good feeling for the direction one piece in particular is taking, which is always exciting.
I love the process of creating...even on a deadline...once I get in my groove it's a beautiful thing indeed. :-)

Monday, June 28, 2004

In Need of Silver Spray Paint

I'm currently ankle deep in materials to make sculptures with. So far I've successfully made something interesting and have no idea what it is :-) I'd say that's a good start. But enough with the chit-chat...back to work.