Me, Myself, & My Muses

Thoughts, ideas, and curiosities of a Boston area creator of amusing and/or unusual objects.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Go Hug a Tree

I just thought I'd take a moment to remark on how beautful the weather here in Boston is today. Considering how infrequent nice weather is(especially on my days off) I decided to spend some quality time at Arnold Arboretum. I'm writing this next to my favorite tree, the Dawn Redwood from Nanking China. If you haven't been to the arboretum I highly recomend you go. It's a wonderful respite from city life.

Opportunity for creativity #2:

Make something about nature to get more in touch with the world around you(or at least take a moment to look around you and a deep breath of fresh air, if you can get it). You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Big Girls Don't Cry.

I have noticed an annoying trend lately in women's clothing sizing. This new trend I will politely call "the nude trend". Low rise, super low rise...this look works on maybe 5% of the population, and even if it looks good on someone they generally can be seen spending an unflattering portion of time pulling up said clothing up to keep from exposing their goodies. Anyhow, I've been on the lookout for casual summer dresses for a while, but no luck. All the ones I've found are for petite women, smaller busted women, whores, or small busted whores. It's not like I wear an unusual size either. Mostly I wear size 10, sometimes 8, and I'm about 5 foot 7.
Here's where a creative person can take matters into their own hands...

Opportunity for creativity #1:

If you can't find a product you are searching for, make it yourself. That first dress you try sewing may end up looking more like a slipcover, but its the attempt that counts; your hands and mind will learn in time.... you just might surprise yourself and find skill you never knew you had.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

"Begin at the beginning and when you come to the end, stop."

I must say, I really like the idea of being able to write pretty much whatever I want here and have perfect strangers be able to read it(hooray for that wacky new-fangled technology). I thought this might be an interesting forum to express my ever increasing concern about the state of the world. The question is: Is there a place in this world anymore for a creative soul who is completely infatuated with this thing we call life?

I hope so.

I consider myself a lover of wonders(especially simple ones), and I hope there are many more like me, because without us, the world can be a pretty dismal place. But, how does one make a difference for the better in this complicated world? I attempt to use my creative skills to connect with other people. I figure that if something I build makes a positive connection with another person, then I have made a difference(even if it is a small one). You know, when it comes down to it, I think a lot of people ignore the tiny voice in their mind which screams, "create, build, make beautiful things; it's important". I would like to inspire people to take the leap and listen...