Me, Myself, & My Muses

Thoughts, ideas, and curiosities of a Boston area creator of amusing and/or unusual objects.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, May 27, 2004

This Train Station Smells Like Popcorn.

I've always found train stations exciting. Everyone is always bustling around trying to get somewhere or another. There is a really nice and simple sculpture here of stacked train couplers; they're much bigger than I thought they were. Makes me want to create some public art.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

All Right....THAT'S IT!!!!!

The decision has been made, the cards have been dealt, and tomorrow is the day. If I have to chain myself to my work table I'm going to make something tomorrow. No excuses. I know just where to begin too. Thanks to someone very near and dear to me I have, in my posession, a large bag of small foam cubes (if I said a thank you a thousand times it would not be enough). These cubes are glorious and I am tempted to toss them on my bed and roll around in them, but I won't....probably :-)...... excuses, I get to the work of making..and so it begins.

It's the Little Things

The smallest things can make me so happy. I was in the grocery store yesterday, and of course I had to take a wander through the toy aisle. I found these fantastic sand molds in the shape of small hand and foot prints. I know what I'm going to be doing when I finally get myself to the beach. I'm picturing hundreds of sand hand and footprints in cascading patterns..oh boy!....I can scarcely contain myself. Sometimes I'm just like a little kid at Christmas.....

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Paused at the Brink

I know that I'm on the brink of a creative outpouring, yet I am paused at the split-second before the floodgates open. It is a mix of fear and hope and longing that keep me static. There is only one thing left to do and that is find the last grain to tip the scales; to move forward in the exhilaration of making. What that grain will be I do not know as of yet, but it will be sudden, and it will be soon. I can feel it in the depths of my bones.