Me, Myself, & My Muses

Thoughts, ideas, and curiosities of a Boston area creator of amusing and/or unusual objects.

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Location: Massachusetts, United States

Friday, July 09, 2004


Seems like I've been doing an awful lot of preparing lately. Firstly, and not surprisingly, for my show. I now have four finished pieces (phew! Wipe the sweat from my brow, what an exhausting way to spend my week off!).
Secondly, I am preparing myself for my friend's wedding on Sunday. So far I've applied polish to all ten of my nails. Her colors include periwinkle, so that's what color they are, with glitter :-) As soon as I finish writing this, I have to pack, and yes, hem my dress.
I decided to reward myself for my hard work this week (but not until I finished my fourth piece, as this was my goal) by trying to find some cool boots at a local discount shoe store (I'm frugal, not cheap ;-) remember) I spent some time there, and finding nothing, proceeded to a discount clothing store. Still nothing. Finally I found a treasure at "Parade of Shoes" 30% off sale. Picture white, vinyl, 3&1/2 inch heeled, knee-high go-go type boots. AWESOME!!! And only $20 to boot (hee, hee, hee).

I'd better get packing now or I'll be exhaused for work tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Yoga for the Mind and Body

I went to a yoga class this morning. It was challenging but not overly so. The instructor was very focused and kept us moving at a good pace (slightly painful to know you are working). Leaving the class, I felt taller which means I achieved the yoga goal of feeling a "lengthening of my spine".
We didn't get to do any of the really pretzley moves I've tried before, but this is probably good since my legs were getting tired at some points (put your knee behind your head, stand on one toe, bend your other knee, lean forward, arms to the ceiling, and oh....remember to breathe ;-)

Once I Get Myself Going There's No Telling Where It'll Lead

I'm really happy with how my first almost finished sculpture has turned out. Looking at it makes my mind twist this way and that, trying to make sense of it, and if I'm curious I hope other people will be also. I enjoy other people's reactions to my work, most especially when its from someone who is not firmly entrenched in the art scene. I like to hear the voices of people who haven't already made their minds up about what "art" is. I'd rather someone trust their gut reaction to something I've made than to try to compare it to all art history and judge it on someone else's criteria.
Now I crack the whip...back to work.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Ice Cream & Jute

So far today I have successfully wrapped a foam rectangle in jute and wire. I also picked up some groceries, and as luck would have it, ice cream was on sale (about 60% off in fact). I figured I could treat myself as it is a vacation week and I've been working hard (its light ice cream anyway :-)

Next week I'm going to be a bridesmaid at a friend's wedding, and have to remember to finish hemming the dress I made by Friday. What with all the work I plan on doing for my show, I'm going to have to pin up a large note or something to make sure I remember. I've never been in a wedding before. I'm just the smallest bit nervous; at my core I am a shy person and I know that being part of the wedding party will require that a certain amount of attention will be paid to me. Really, it's not that big a problem. The fact that my friend has planned the event so carefully is what throws me off balance the most. I'm not a person who needs events in my life to be perfect. I've had too many unexpected things happen to expect my plans to work out exactly. I try to roll with what life gives me. Luckily, my friend and her husband (this is a second ceremony, the first was only for immediate family) are very nice people, and I may be reading the schedule thing all wrong. I'm not going to worry about it, after all I can only be me and do my best to help them celebrate something important.
For now, I have to get back to work. I'd like to have my first piece finished today (keep your fingers crossed for me)...